Heavy Metal Go Launcher EX v1.1Requiremen By Download Apk Fil | Andro Ap | Andro Market | Apkdroidfilez.blogspot.com
: 2.0 and up
Overview: **** Explanation ****
No longer strong theme not exist
Heavy metal theme to create the most powerf smartphone.
Rock Will Never Die , Heavy Metal
It;s Heavy Metal Go launcher theme
- 235 ic-Drag Heavy Metal ic
(Genuine ic and 100%of thele)
- 6 mlpapers(Skl Guitarist)
- 3 app dralpapers
- clock widjet ( not include theme)
How to u;
1. Search ;Go launcher EX; and wnload and install
2. Install t theme
3. Run Go Laucher EX
4. Menu>enc> themeenc> choo
a t theme
T app has no adverti/strong>
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