The Best Facebook Batch Uploader.
☺ Tir of upload ONE photo or video at a time?
☺ Wish y cod upload hundreds of phot/videos at once?
☺ Th y will LOVE iLoader
iLoader - the most popar Facebook photo and video ch uploader from iOS with more than 1.5 million ufinally ailable Andro! iLoader tak the tedious upload process and mak it fun and easier than ever! D☺t take our word check the screensho and reviews to decide />
☺☺☺ Photo Upload ☺☺☺
☺ Super fast mti-photo n
tio and tag frien phot
☺ Rotate, crop or flip photo
☺ Adjust photo brightness, contrast, saturation, color, sharp or blur
☺ Fix redeye, blemish, whit teeth photo
☺ Make your photo inest by add text, Meme or draw it
☺ Create cool phot with 10 build- fils includ vintage, simplify, indiglow, day dream, etc...
☺ Create new photo albu and acy from with iLoader
☺ Upload regar or fl resolution phot
☺ Continue upload kgrou ev af y exit iLoader
☺ Batch upload mtiple phot to Facebook one shot
☺ Show progress wh upload with pauesume
☺☺☺ Video Upload ☺☺☺
☺ A video titl, descriptio and acy/permissio
☺ Playk videos to make sure they aret before upload
☺ Upload fl resolution videos
☺ Continue upload ev af y exit iLoader
☺ Batch upload mtiple videos to Facebook one shot
☺ Show progress wh upload with pauesume
☺☺☺ Other Featur ☺☺☺
☺ Share with from Gallery
☺ Cool UI and sou effec
☺ NO INTERNET CONNECTION? NO PROBLEM. iL everyth exc upload with an Innet connection
☺ Save and edits and la resume where y left off
☺ Work 3G or Wifi
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