Overview: Wantl what ges ? Here;s anion which will let y turn off/ your screen just with a swipe!! Swipe your hand over the proximity Locat near the earpiece top of the phone).
Requiremen: Andro OS 2.1 and up
Market Update Relea August 23, 2012
Pr/b> $1.99
Screen On/Off Us gestur:
; Flip cover mode
; Swipe Mode
; Cover Ho
Proximity Screen Off Pro Featur:
; Pocket/Flip or Smart Cover Mode: Tur screen OFF wh over and ON wh uncover. (Feature request by Galaxy Note u />
; Swipe to Screen Off: Turn OFF the screen by slid your hand
; Cover to Screen Off: Turn OFF the screen by Cover the or a duration of time (Cover and Ho)
; Cover to Screen On: Turn ON the screen by Cover the or a duration of time (Cover and Ho) ; Note: caury Drain
; Ignore Ap list: A the ap/gam where t to disable the br />
; Widget: to start and stop the br />
; ScreenOff shortcut: to turn off the screen by launch the app.
; Sensor Configuration : Baour develect the f your choor the one that;s ailable and configure their lu, as they areent erent dev
; Enable screen /off d only
; Dil handl completely
; De-Actite af time
; Override power butt and screen- by other ap (Phone pocket and y l or y accidentally press the power butt, screen will remain off)
; Prevent accidental screen
; Disable accidental lock ; Swipe to Screen Off mode if the s cover er than specified duration screen wont turn off
; Vibration screen On/Off
1) Remov/Uninstall the app
- Launch ProximityScreenOff Pro and click Uninstall butt
- System Setts , ;Locatio Security; or just ;Security; , Select Devdministrators and disable the ScreenOff App
2) App needs Devdministrator privilege to lock the screen, If y have any questio permissio uhe app, pleame an email and i will explain y the reas app needs them.
3) To enable lock screen ; Un ;Loc phone screenOn; under ;All ;
Proximity Screen Off Pro Test On:
Galaxy Note, S2, S3, Tab, H OneX, HD2, Desire HD, Google Nexus,
Motorolla Xoom(Light Sensor), DROID Incredible
Cover, Smart Cover, Screen, Switch, toggle, tap, power, y, gesture, lock, smartlock, smart screen off, screen off, screen , power saver, Galaxy Note
What;s New Proximity Screen Off Pro version 3.3:
; Fix the InCallOnly mode, s active only dur the hereby sav power.
; Add new y sav feature: ;De-Actite af time; lue minut and will be de-actit af time and re-actit only wh screen tur .
; Upgrad the Ignore list UI and includ ev the system ap.
Requiremen By Download Apk Fil | Andro Ap | Andro Market | Apkdroidfilez.blogspot.com
Download Proximity Screen Off Pro 3.3 (v3.3) (Andro) APK
Requiremen By Download Apk Fil | Andro Ap | Andro Market | Apkdroidfilez.blogspot.com