1Tap Quick Bar 1.1.2
Current Version: 1.1.2
Requir Andro: 2.0.1 and up
Category: Personalization
V1.1.2 update:
V 1.1.2
- Add language pack: Arab, Wesn Farsi, Portugue>
- Add ability to re-order quicks.
- Various bug fix.
Fl change lo: http://rootuninstaller.com/1tap-qu;change-lo-2/
Requir permission: http://rootuninstaller.com/1tap-quick-/permissio/
Website: http://rootuninstaller.com/1tap-quick-/
Facebook: http://goo.gl/pVfuFOverview:
1Tap Quick Bar the best ion customization app o. It hel y to most comm tas a shor time, such as change Wifi , l you add an event, launch an favorite game just 1-click. It als to create a beautif ion .** New version suppor widget with a t of customization and shortcut. Long press home screen to add a new one **
How 1tap Quick Bar wor?
Y can add most of task into ion and quickly kick it off 1tap. It suppor over 60 built- tas, includ
☺ Direct dial
☺ Direct message,
☺ 1-tap direct web page launcher,
☺ion shortcut
☺ion launcher
☺ Direct email label
☺ New event, new message
☺ Hidd system activities
☺ 3rd tas: ram boos
☺ Media control
☺ E,.A quick appea be twist ms, such as kgrou, ic t color, status ic, etc,. to make it the most beautif ion .
How to work 1tap Quick Bar?
A quick a special ion that stays ion area. It compoo 6 actio with fly customize its colors, text, kgrou. Actio are categoriz into 5 main grou:
☺ Sett: quickly toggle a or launch utt shortcut (upto 50 typ).
☺ion: launch choication.
☺ Shortcut: launch shortcut supplied by otherio
☺ Contact: to ml, or email to choact
☺ Misc: built- comman, hidd activities
There are special actio that help y to discover hiddio your dev such asion☺s shortcut,l, y info, etc,.The design tab hel y to customize any part of a quick .
Free version suppor one quick . Upgrade to Pro version enjoy more quick
☺ I t ic status .
Every quick need an ic the status due to Andro system limit. However change the defat status ic to ☺transparent☺ (gn tab). Mo, it what t.☺ Quick Bar clomatily wh I click an item?
Prior to Honeycomb, Andro clomatily ion s wh click.
T will not happ newer version.☺ Why some actio not work
Since Andro model chang, some functio are limit, other open. Not all function wor any devManufacturer/custom ROMs add more complexity to t. We suggest y to try them before permanently add into your quick , especially, mobile data, GPS, mus control. We are work hard to support the best solution☺ What l☺ item?
T item only ailable ☺phone☺ which suppor to. It will dial the latest number (go, incom or ml).☺ ion kgrou not display right my Gerbread devhat☺s a kernel bug, sometime ion not display correctly older Andro version. Newer Andro (ICS, Jelly bean) already fix t issue.
☺ What Date/Day of Week/Month status ic?
Time status ic will display current date/day of week/month your status ,
and it auly update to match your time.☺ I n☺t know t item whether Wifi toggle or Wifi shortcut
Some items uic resource,
y can lways show action label from design
<☺t uninstall t app
If y enable devdm, y shod disable it before uninstall. To disable goto Home> Menu> Setts> Security> Devdministrators, th uncheck 1tap Quick Bar> Deactite, th k toion manager to uninstall it.kw: ion Toggle, toggle , customization, widgetso, quick launcher, tasker