Overview: HD Metall Widgets provid y a new elegant experience of home screen. T idget includ weather widget, digital clock widget, analog clock widget, y widget and switch widget, all one package.
Requiremen: Andro OS 2.1 and up
Market Update Relea Sember 7, 2012
Pr/b> $1.29
Requiremen By Download Apk Fil | Andro Ap | Andro Market | Apkdroidfilez.blogspot.com
What mak thets unique not only its elegant style, but also it optimiz approach y usage, and also it easy to use.
Through t package y will have access to
; Analog Clock, which ailable both Circle and Square shap. T widget also sho the current day of the month. Also it display 3 X 3 size.
; Digital Clock, will show the time and current date. Also it displays 4 X 1 size.
; Baty Widget, it☺s sho twoent siz, the large one 4 X 1 size and small one 2 X 1 size. T widget let y know the status of the y via its shape and its color. Wh y plug the charger, it will show y the progress of charg.
; Weather Widget, its small size (4 X 1) will auly detect yion, and that, display the current degree, minimum and maximum degree of the day and explain y the weather condition. The large size (4 X 2) will have the same functionality as the small one, and will display the weather condition of four next add days. If y need to update weather widget manually, y just touch the widget and the open win refresh it.
; Switch Widget, provid y a f to turn /off some unctionalities like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, Screen Brightness, Silent mode and Auto Rotation, also ailable 4 X 1 size.
; Compoet, it☺s made by compos Weather, Date time and Baty widget. If y need to update weather widget manually touch the weather part and the open win refresh it.
Minimum Requirement
; Andro OS 2.1 +
; 500 MHz + CPU
; MDI Screen
If y have any further question, not hesitate to ask. Also we are op to any suggestion and we will be glad to hear from y.
What;s New HD Metall Widgets version 1.0:
No recent chang.
Download HD Metall Widgets 1.0 (Andro)
Requiremen By Download Apk Fil | Andro Ap | Andro Market | Apkdroidfilez.blogspot.com
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