Overview: T an enginecator, with equation solvers, inpolatio, wolfram alpha, conver, complex numbers; and more the future!
Requiremen: Andro OS 2.1 and up
Market Update Relea Sember 1, 2012
Pr/b> $1.24
CalcPro anion design neer be unyone. Once y op the app y;ll mple cator with a swipe keyboard but there;s much more behind.
CalcPro a powerfion which has the follow featur:
- Equation Solver solve almost any equation. It suppor:
-> N-linear equatio: Any type of equation, such as: 5*x+s(x^3+2)=8 (up to 10 equatio and riabl uatio solv the screensho)
-> Linear equatio: Like 2*x+3*y=8, -3*x+6*y=3 (up to 10)
-> Polynomials: Up to grade 20 (complex and n-complex solutio)
- Inpolation
-> Simple:t modyna tabl with only one riable (ple Temperature)
-> Double: 2 riabl inpolation. See screensho eview
-> Poin to line: If y have a oin (x,y) t tool will find the cloe and will give y the R^2 (Just like Excel).
- Conver: It;s u have a conver inside the app. It;s got 19 conversio: length, area, volume, angle, time, speed, acceleration, flow, mass, orque, energy, density, pressure, dyna viscosity, kinemat viscosity, temperature and currency.
- Wolfram Alpha Just touch the utt
- Complex numberscator suppor complex numbers both rectangar and polar notation. Polar notation us ur phasors Circuit Analys.
- Variabl: Just save any number as a riable and u.
- Constan: 6, more next updat.
- Radians/degrees
- Easier decimal notation: 1.000000 1, 99999999 9.999E7 (dnd of the decimal precision);
- A proly mtur the future!
What;s New CalcPro version 1.1.5:
Bug Fix:
- Keyboard no longer appears wh it;s not need
- Press the left or right arro no longer mov the keyboard to the right
- Currency update problems. Add MXN.
Requiremen By Download Apk Fil | Andro Ap | Andro Market | Apkdroidfilez.blogspot.com
Download CalcPro 1.1.5 (v1.1.5) (Andro) APK
Requiremen By Download Apk Fil | Andro Ap | Andro Market | Apkdroidfilez.blogspot.com