Overview: Wak up time the morn shod never be an issue again with the incredibly reliabture rich Alarm Clock Ultra, the very best Alarm Clock Google Play.
Requiremen: Andro OS 2.1 ; 4.1
Market Update Relea Sember 4, 2012
Pr/b> $2.99
Alarm Clock Ultra THE best look Alarm Clock ailable, an absolst ey; but n;t be fool bdy coat exior, t alarm clock has functionality under the ho, as the alarm clock itonly the beginn of many alarm optio that the u
Wake up t to with Alarm Clock Ultra;s extensive alarm customization and all of our alarm clock . Accidentally disabl your alarm a th of the past than to Alarm Clock Ultra, with our unique ;Puzzle To Snooze/Dismiss; functionality, y;ll be wie and rar to go every time e up to our alarm clock.
Want to work e up the brain ev more w up to our alarm clock? Try our Math problems to Snooze/Dismture, with 3 levels of difficty t a sure f to get y up and runn a sle morn as most alarm cloc provide no luxury of t as they irritate y the alarm clock uth y find yourtinue the journey to find thet alarm clocke up to.
Social Media News
With the ever expand explosion of social media over the p years, it;s likely y have a Facebook and/or Twit account. Alarm Clock Ultra allo y to check all the latest Facebook pos and Tweets, no need to op up a ion, it;s all right there integrat with the alarm clock. Plus keup to date with wor affairs, entainment stories, spor news and manyegories with our news headlds right to your nightstand with i your everyday alarm clock .
Introduc the Ultra SleSystem
The Ultra SleSystem creat your very o sou environment conducive to relaxation, sleand improvement of everyda Thet tool to fall asleeasier, get higher quality sle enhance concentration, l more alert and comfortable through the day. Y are sure to find relaxation and bet slewith the Ultra SleSystem.
Alarm Clock Ultra ensur y get the best possible night;s slewhile hav all the luxury of a high level alarm clock.Feature soun include: White Noiide Gard Bir, DeForest Wa, Rain Nature Soun, and over 25 other relax melodies
Clock Widgets
No andro alarm clock wod be complete with a light sprinkl of clock widgets, and that;s exactly what y get with our Alarm Clock. Chooen any of our beautifly design clock widgets s ketrack of the time and your next sched alarm, right the home screen of your phone! Plea mind that all of our alarm clock widgets are design resolutio y andro phone and tablet the market today.
Our Alarm Clock also includ a fantast look ch, a Count timer and ev an Egg timer with cook instructio and pre tim.
Install Alarm Clock Ultra today, the only alarm clock y;ll ever need.
;t respo to commen the Google Play store, so if y have an issue, pleact us through our developer;s support website http://adf.ly/1686190/http://appsdevgroup.com/support/ and we will everyth we can to resolve your issue.
NOTE: Do not install t alarm clock app yod, plus add Alarm Clock Ultra to the excion list of any task killer.
Pleaus if y like our alarm clock app! We appreciate all of your support to make Alarm Clock Ultra the very best andro alarm clock Google Play.
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What;s New Alarm Clock Ultra version 2.4.5:
Fix Alarm Screen Issue!
Pleaus if y like the App!
Requiremen By Download Apk Fil | Andro Ap | Andro Market | Apkdroidfilez.blogspot.com
Download Alarm Clock Ultra 2.4.5 (v2.4.5) (Andro) APK
Requiremen By Download Apk Fil | Andro Ap | Andro Market | Apkdroidfilez.blogspot.com