Overview: ;Play the be quite addictive, mostly due to the hect time management gamay, combin with the well-pac levels and humorous monss.;
Requiremen: Andro OS 2.2 and up
Market Update Relea Sember 26, 2012
Pr/b> $0.99
Requiremen By Download Apk Fil | Andro Ap | Andro Market | Apkdroidfilez.blogspot.com
En a wor where hungry monss are f a new home.
;the developers ar;t just tell a story. They;re convey a message;
IGM Mobile
Note: It;s recommend to test the free version before buy t version.
The game star wh little hungry monss, from a far-f galaxy with v resourc sail the or a new home. The player;s mission d the monss colony and grant them their survil.
Thoe creatur will be test very hard, almost everyth will happ to them, start with fo shortage, demics, pes, prohe hoard of gare, high fo pr over popation and other questio which are very comm our planet.
They are dead hungry, and thes want to eat more, and more! Greedy monss requir quick think and a lot of focus. At any time a sur change the entirely re of your game. Have fun with the wish of thoers and make all of them come true. So th they will be able to re-establish their specie t new planet.
Greedy monss will not only grant a lot of fun, but it will also make the player think ab very important questio regard us (humans) survil, here earth. T Is game ag and sho us how important sustainability , but a very sim and of cour humorous.
3; Rich kgrou, with a lot of well-humor characs.
3; Universal: smartphon tablets cro compatible
3; Brs to us the question ab sustainability a very simple and humor
3; Highly challeng, with situatio that will stimate the player
3; Very simple gamay, Y just need to grab the monss and all the other -game elemen with your fer
3; Exclusive soundtrack and sou effec
3; Very addictive
Overpop compromiuture of next generatio. T the great challenge of t level, it has the largest amount of monss, just to make it a little bit more excit, the game already star with lo of them.
Epidemics havs been a challenge nity, and the Greedy Wor it;s notent. Be quick, control the dind make sure that all monss are healthy. The nura will be of great help t level. Stay healthy.
The monss love junk-fo, and t level their love intensified, the overweight popation star to riPersonal trainer Gibb will help y to put thoe monss where they shod be.
An array of pes will minats, therefore compromis your fo-supply, Call P. Bus and exminate tho; he;ll help y to kethe Greedy Wor;s survil.
The caps are now overpr but the monss are grow high the colony. If t to go ahead y;ve to controlh very well. Try to spend as little as possible ch what increa score;s m
What;s New Greedy Monss version 1.0:
Initial Release
Download Greedy Monss 1.0 (Andro)
Requiremen By Download Apk Fil | Andro Ap | Andro Market | Apkdroidfilez.blogspot.com
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