Overview: List to polnd fire drtmen from arou the wor your phone.
Requiremen: Andro 1.6 and up
Market Update Relea Sember 8, 2012
Pr/b> $2.99
List to live audio from over 3,300 polnd ners, weather radios, and amateur radio ras from arou the wor (primarily the Unit Stat and Australia though, with more be add daily).
Scanner Radio Pro Featur:
*ners y list to the most to your Favorit list k access.
* ners that nearest y, sort by distance, by click ;Near Me;
* View the toners that have the most listeners (updat every 5 minut).
* View lisners add most recently (new additio are be add all the time).
* Browirectordsion or by genre (publ safety, weather, railroad, etc).
* Configure aler to have the app notify y wh lo of people are listen ner that someth big may be happen).
*ner Radio widgets and/or shortcu to your phone;s home screen k access.
* A a ;Scanner Radio Favorite; shortcut to your home screen to laund via an alarm clock app or automation app.
* Allo y to list to archiv audio (from the past 30 days) if y have a Radence Premium Subscription. Their premium subscription $15 nt, with it y will not be able to access their audio archiv us the app.
In addition to the abtur, y also get the follow featur with t version of the app:
* The ads are remov.
* Allo y to specify what tim of day t to receive listener aler.
* Allo y to stener alern near y.
* The play butt at the top of the directory screens and the widgets functional.
* Ac as a Tasker Plug-, allo y to have Tasker launch the app and have one of your Favorit auly beg play one or more conditio or have the app stop play. One u feature to had beg play wh your phone connec to a specif Bluetooth devnd th have it stop wh the connection to that Bluetooth devs no longer pre>
The audio provid by volunteers us ner radios. If your area not ailable, menu the app rmation how to get it add.
Explanation of why rious permissio are need:
The ;Modify glo system ; permission need order app to be able to change the dev8217;s ;Wi-Fi SlePolicy; to ;Never; (but only with your permission). Wh y run the app, it will check the and ask y if y wod like o be chang to ;Never; (if it;s ometh elhatner audio w;t be inrupt if the screen tur off while y;re listen over Wi-Fi.
The ;Phone Cal / Read Phone State; permission need by the app so th detect wh y;re plac a l (or wh one be receiv) so th auly stop the stream of the audio to prevent it from i witl.
The ;Fine (Gion; and ;Coaion; permissio are requir so that th demine ners your area wh y click ;Near Me;. Wh y click ;Near Me; the app first attemp to demine yion via the network, if that fails the app th tries to demine yion via GPS.
The ;Auly Start at Boot; permission requir so that a small portion of th be start wh your phone boo if (and only if) y turn the listener alert check feature of the app (tture turn off by defat).
If the audio rats or the app stays connect a short time, try return to a directory screen the app, th #8220;Setts; from the menu, th ;Player ;, and th try chang the ;Stream meth;
Follow ;Scanner Radio; FaceboonerRadio Twit to be notified ab inruptio, new beta versio, etc.
What;s Nener Radio Pro version 3.8.2:
Simplified ;Configure Aler; dialog winw and improv its appearance.
The ;Top 50;, ;Favorit;, and ;Radence aler; directory screen conten will auly refresh every 5 minut if the app left that screen and the screen .
Modified how the app demin wh the devs connect to WiFi (u the ;Stream only over WiFi?; enabl).
Plus other minor chang and a couple of bug fix.
poner, rner
Requiremen By Download Apk Fil | Andro Ap | Andro Market | Apkdroidfilez.blogspot.com
Downner Radio Pro 3.8.2 (3.8.2) (Andro) APK
Requiremen By Download Apk Fil | Andro Ap | Andro Market | Apkdroidfilez.blogspot.com