Secret Video Recorder. No sou, preview. 1-touch operation. High quality video.
Secret Video Recorder Pro. No sou. No preview. One touch record. High quality videos. Turn screen off and continue record. Make and receive dur record.
Secret Video Recorder Pro the best hcorder or video recorder ailable the market! We challenge y to find an otherion as go as t.
Secret Video Recorder Pro unc, low-level s to enable record the kgrou. Therefore while record y can uphone like normal as if there no video record go .
1. Record star and sto the kgrou
2. Record with front orera
3. One touch record. It cannot get any simpler than t. Start video record either by tapp the ic or by long press of the tt ( support dev
4. Turn screen off and continue record ( support devonly. On other phon, the record becom corrupt.)
5. Talk the phone and continue record
6. High quality record
7. Disable the ion also. Nion the screen that record go .
8. Discreet app name and ico
9. Sav y to allow long records. E.g. Samsung Galaxy S I get 10+ hours y compar to 1 hour with the stock app
10. Auto stop record
11. Compatible and extensively test all versio of Andro
1. Long, fl day record
2. Spy y sits, megiver
3. Take videos where prohibit
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