VLC Beta (NEON version) v0.0.4Requiremen By Download Apk Fil | Andro Ap | Andro Market | Apkdroidfilez.blogspot.com
: Andro 2.1+
Overview: VLC a free and op source cro-platform mtimedia player that plays most mtimedia fil as well as dis, dev and network stream protoco.
T a BETA version of the port to the Andro☺ platform. It intend r u hackers. T version NOT stable and slower than the final version.
It might kill your kitt, destroy your houtart the mayyp>
U your o risk. Have Fun!
T version ONLY c with a CPU ARMv7 that will support NEON. Other devwill be support by otherio, very so.
VLC o☺ plays m video and audio fil, as well as network streams, like the desktop version of VLC.
VLC o has a media library o and video fil, and allo to browrs directly.
VLC has support i-track audio and subtitl. It suppor auto-rotation, aspect-ratio adjustemen and gestur to control volume.
It also includ a widget o control, suppor audio headtrol, covert art and a complete audio media library.
Miss Featur
As t an early BETA version, a lot of ths are not finish, but will change final relea>
☺ The Urface will change;
☺ Performance improvemen are miss;
☺ Some audio issu might occur;
☺ e decod wor only with a limit ardware;
☺ Other unkno issu.
☺ It needs e control, order to change the audio volume;
☺ It needs control, order to pauus wh someol;
☺ It needs fl Innet access to op network streams;
☺ It needs to be able to read lo, dur the beta version, to understand the issu;
☺ It needs to get access to td storage, order to allow deletion of fil.
What;s t version:
T the fourth beta ailable of VLC o.
The new beta improv slightly the UI, incread and stability, ad Intel support, br featur and many fix from the previous betas.
It fix many crash and issu (Nexus 7, ICS/JB, mp4, track n) and ad Opus support.
The UI now has a slid menu, an tory log, playk speed change and rtone estur htness and have been add.
Finally, a lot of new translatio have been add.
T app has no adverti/strong>
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