Overview: Feel the power of more than 50,000 live radio statio the palm of your hand.
Requiremen: Andro OS 2.1 and up
Market Update Relea Sember 4, 2012
Pr/b> $3.99
Uive☺ to stream mus and innet radio. Explore more than 50,000 radio statio from all over the wor!
Search, organize, tag, and save your favorite stream access any time t to rock !
Formats: [aac, aac+, m3u, p, mp3, mp4, m4a, mpeg, asf, wma, ogg, flac]
Playlis: [m3u, p, asx]
Protoco: [http, h, m, mmsh]
XiiaLive Pro ; Innet Radio Featur:
- Surf easily more than 50,000 radio statio.
- Easy to ucation with fast UI th friendly!
- Twoent skins, light and dark.
- Easily tag son y like!
- Smart recovery. Mak your stream experience bet than any other app!
- Data guard. Option that protec y by enforc Wi-Fi only stream.
- Scan radio statio. Feature similar to the c seo scan option.
- Social integration. (Twit and Facebook. Google+ com so)
- Time shift live radio. Allo up to 60 m of tory. (FFMpeg engine currently not support)(beta)
- Equalizer. (Andro 2.3 and grea) (beta)
- HTTP auion support.
- ion soun ect, and signal dro. Someth no other app has!
- Sort and fil support io and son.
- Adnc Sort and fils over new statio.
- Mini player. (Only ailable bigger screen dev
- App language picker.
- Sletimer with volume fad.
- length contro.
- Easy favorite☺s organization. Rename, remove, edit lin and giveegory.
- Easily add your o URL.
- Create custom radios station SHORTCUTS your home screen.
- Mtiple customizable .
- Bluetooth contro. Skip through your favorit.
- Bluetooth auto start and stop stream.
- Backup and restore your favorit and tags.
- OPEN APIs. Allo other ap to plug to the power of Stream!
- ;and a lot more!
Official Partner oft
mus, radio, live, rock, pop, XL,t, online radio, xLive, zialive, xiia, xiialive, droidlive, best, last.fm, http, aac, mpeg, wma, asx, win media
What;s New XiiaLive Pro ; Innet Radio version 3.0.0:
- Rewritt app from the group up!
- Redesign look with dark and light skins.
- Data guard (WiFi only stream).
- ion sou volume control.
- Scan through radios.
- Playlist pre-load.
- Adnc stream optio.
- Social integration (Twit Facebook).
- New . (60m of max playk tory) (beta)
- Equalizer. (Andro 2.3 and grea only)
- Au HTTP streams.
- New sort and fil optio.
- Station load as y scroll.
Requiremen By Download Apk Fil | Andro Ap | Andro Market | Apkdroidfilez.blogspot.com
Download XiiaLive Pro ; Innet Radio 3.0.0 (v3.0.0) (Andro) APK
Requiremen By Download Apk Fil | Andro Ap | Andro Market | Apkdroidfilez.blogspot.com