Overview: FPndro the fastest and most compatible PSone emator held dev(also kno as PSX or Playstation 1)
Requiremen: Andro OS 2.1 and up
Market Update Relea October 2, 2012
Pr/b> $3.86
Requiremen By Download Apk Fil | Andro Ap | Andro Market | Apkdroidfilez.blogspot.com
What;s New FPndro version 0.11.48:
- immediate Crash fix
More than 150.000 active u rat up to 4,5 stars google play!
FPrt OpenGL which giv stand graphics!
Take a look to the Official Documentation to understand requiremen and how it wor http://adf.ly/1686190/http://goo.gl/1dGxS
Create an ISO image from your favorite gam and enjoy play them your Andro phone.
Ftur the follow:
-High performance
-High compatibility
-High sou quality
-Real-time save stat
-Audio track emation (us .cue fil)
-ly loadable Overlay Pads
-Gunc emation
-Analog Stick emation
-Compatible with G-Sensor, Touchscreen and e keys
-Suppor .img, .iso, .b, .cue, .nrg , .mdf and .Z disc image br />
-Fl Support trolPAD, BGP100,Zeemote (via Bluez IME)
-OpenGL support via exnal plug!
Plea Forum if y have any question.
PSX , PSone, PlayStation© are trademar or regis trademar of Sony Compu Entainment I. All righ re
SCPH1001 ;br />
SCPH1000 ; Japan
SCPH7003 ; Europe
Download FPndro 0.11.48 (Andro)
Requiremen By Download Apk Fil | Andro Ap | Andro Market | Apkdroidfilez.blogspot.com
FPndro Install Instructio:
Download Extract f48.Andro.zip
Install FPndro.0.11.48.apk
Install FPator 1.0.apk
Run FPator Select ;Patch it;
The post FPndro 0.11.48 (Andro) appear first Megandroids.