Requiremen: Andro 1.5+
Overview: Chat mtiple MSN, Facebook, Yahoo, AIM, ICQ, GTalk, MySpace & Hyv accoun
Chat everywhere with eBuddy MesStas connect with all
your frien and family MSN (Win Live Mesr WLM),
Facebook, Yahoo!, MySpace, Gtalk (Orkut), ICQ, AIM (AOL) and Hyv.

Chat mtiple MSN, Facebook, Yahoo, AIM, ICQ, GTalk, MySpace & Hyv accoun
Chat everywhere with eBuddy MesStas connect with all
your frien and family MSN (Win Live Mesr WLM),
Facebook, Yahoo!, MySpace, Gtalk (Orkut), ICQ, AIM (AOL) and Hyv.
eBuddy an Instant messag (IM) that allo y to...
☺ New major version 3.0!
☺ Now ule C2DM (push) ery efficiency - only o 2.2 and higher.
☺ Simtaneously chat or IM with your frien MSN, Win Live
MesFacebook, Yahoo, MySpace, Gtalk, ICQ, AIM and Hyv.
☺ eBuddy ru the kgrou, so y ars online and ready to chat! Never miss a message again.
☺ A chat / IM message will be data over the Innet, not as a
SMS or text message. So, chatt with your frien free!
☺ Fl featur: atar, receive emotico, group your contac and swipe through your chat screens.