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Free | Planet Finder + v2.2

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, August 21, 2012 | 9:00 PM

Requiremen: Andro 2.2+

Overview: Find, discover, play & augment the reality of your planetary night sky!

Planet finder +, an astronomy compass and an augment reera
that renders the solar system planets arou y (Sun, Mercury, Venus,
Mo, Mars, Jupi, Saturn, Uranus, Nune and Pluto!). It's a
convenient tool to get a quick orientation of your night sky!

Find, discover, play & augment the reality of your planetary night sky!

Planet finder +, an astronomy compass and an augment reera
that renders the solar system planets arou y (Sun, Mercury, Venus,
Mo, Mars, Jupi, Saturn, Uranus, Nune and Pluto!). It's a
convenient tool to get a quick orientation of your night sky!

It's extremely easy! Just launch theion and y'll instantly
get an overview of where the planets are relative to your orientation.
☺Y're the middle of the screen☺, earth, and the planets are
plott ☺arou☺ y relative to your orientation. If the planet
above the 'compass' r and highlight it's visible If the
planet below the compass r toward the cen of the earth it'll
be shaw and below your horiz.

That's not all! Planet finder + will provide y with an AR view, augment reality view, throughera lens.

Just point your phond the sky and planet finder + will switch to
augment reality mode! Spot the planets through your mera and
why not take a snapshot and share it via facebook, email, twit or

Y can ev inact with the augment reality view by actit its
player! Play, paund, fastd the solar system! T will
render the planets trajectories!

Switch k to 2D compass or text views by lower your mobile phone.
From her access the menu and share the pictur y've tak
AR mode.

With a simple touch the screen y switch to a text view where all
the planetary positio are list. (direction, altitude and also the
phae inner restrial planets and the mo)

Y can get ev more detail information from here by touch a
'planet-item' the list. Y will get real time data ab the planet
magnitude, apparent diame, distance from earth, elongation and its
constellation the sky.

A there's ev more get the planets risit and set
tim by touch the RTS ic. O access all the latest stat
information, by touch the wiki ic!

If y have a new smart phone, y'll presumably have a gyroscope sensor
it. Planet finder + mak u combination with
your accelerome and magnetome). T implies that planet finder +
respon quickly to your movemen and provid y with stable image
and accurate reads!

Theion can be install the phod order to save phone storage.

(op -> programs -> manage programs -> PlanetFinder+ -> move to )



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